1. Develop proper sleep hygiene by making sure you get in bed at an early enough hour that you can get a full night’s rest, washing your face and brushing your teeth, not having caffeine after 3pm, and reducing screen time before you are laying down.
2. Find a form of exercise that you enjoy such as bike riding, dancing, walking, or yoga and set aside time every day or a few times a week to engage in this activity which has been proven to reduce stress and aid in strengthening your mental health.
3. Start a daily journal and use this journal to vent about your day, talk about your innermost thoughts and feelings, and express your emotions. You can also write down affirmations in this journal so each time you open it, you are reminded of something motivational and inspirational.
4. Set boundaries in both your personal and professional life since boundaries are an important way of allowing yourself space to deal with your feelings and to avoid being overwhelmed. Set boundaries at work by not working beyond your set hours and expressing when you are overwhelmed with an assignment and need help. Set boundaries in your personal life by telling your family members, partner, or friends what is okay and what is not okay.
5. Set limits on daily social media intake because it can become toxic when consumed in large quantities. Many people express their opinions on social media, and this can lead to anxiety, stress, and depression. Set a specific amount of time that you should spend on social media every day and try your best to stick to this.