Transformative Mindset

Insecurity in Relationships

Many people suffer with insecurities, whether it be about a physical appearance, intelligence, or their social skills. In some instances, these insecurities can appear in your relationships. Insecurities can come from unresolved internal issues, such as low self-esteem, fear of abandonment, and general anxiety. When these issues are not dealt with, they can topple over into your personal relationships.
There are many ways in which insecurities can appear in a relationship. You may:

  1. Find yourself struggling to trust your partner 
  2. Compare yourself to their exes
  3. You find yourself in need of constant reassurance that everything is okay
  4. Your whole world is about your partner
  5. You try to self-sabotage because you worry it is not the right partner for you
  6. You struggle with intimacy 
  7. You often feel like you are being attacked

So, when this happens, you might ask yourself what you should do. How can you work on your insecurities or help your partner through their insecurities? There are a few things that you can do to help yourself through this process.

  1. Letting go of the past, enjoy the present, and look to the future
  2. Work on building self-esteem 
  3. Put the work in to finding out what the root cause of your insecurity
  4. Build trust not only in yourself, but in your partner too
  5. Work on limiting overthinking and living in the present
  6. Learn how to communicate even if it makes you uncomfortable
  7. Focus on your positive attributes and work on strengthening those

Insecurities do not have to ruin your life. There are ways in which you can work on getting to the root cause, develop newfound confidence, and strengthen your communication skills. Once you face the past that has been dragging you down, you can find a new light and a new perspective in which to live life. 

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